TMnet User Group
Sarawak TMnet User Group Forum
TMnet formed the TMnet User Group Forum at Mederka Palace today. The purpose of the group formation was to enable the TMnet (both dial-up and broadband) customers provide feedback to TMnet Management on how to improve TMnet's services. The Kuching TMnet customers had the honour of meeting Mr. Michael Lai, who is TMnet's Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
TMnet formed the TMnet User Group Forum at Mederka Palace today. The purpose of the group formation was to enable the TMnet (both dial-up and broadband) customers provide feedback to TMnet Management on how to improve TMnet's services. The Kuching TMnet customers had the honour of meeting Mr. Michael Lai, who is TMnet's Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
The emcee for the event that afternoon was Miss Donna Jerukan. I wonder where I have met her before...hmmm...and Mr. Kenny Sia, a fellow blogger whom I believe I have met in cyberspace and in a drinking Place which name I cannot reveal (is it still a secret Mavis?), was also in attendance.
Mr. Michael Lai proceeded to brief those who attended on the available products TMnet has to offer and also for the rationale of forming a User Group Forum. Kuching, Sarawak is the second stopover after Kota Bahru Kelantan where such a group is being formed.
Protem Committee of TMnet User Group posing for the camera. The protem Committee Chairman appointed was Mr. Kenny Sia and the Deputy Chairman Mr. Pierce Wong. Incidently both the Chairman and Deputy Chairman happened to be active bloggers; with Kenny's blog at and Pierce's at Several Excos addressing a few interest areas such as Broadband, Dial Up, Hosting, Applications and many more have been included in the committee. I happened to take care of applications - something alien to me as I do not come from an IT Background as the others who are in the Committee. I really do feel small amongst the presence of the IT Managers. Resellers, Experts, (and Housewife) in the Committee so I had to hide myself under a cap :)
The Dinner
The Dinner
"....TMnet needs to be Customer Driven, or it will be Driven Out by the Customers", You The Customers are our Boss, Our Pay Master...". Those are the wise words from the TMNet CEO during his speech at the the Reward and Recognition Dinner which was also held at Mederka Palace. Some meaningful jokes were also shared with those at the dinner.
User Groups get together at the same table that evening
The ongoing programs that night included speeches from Mr. Michael Lai whom we will call THE CEO from now on and Mr. Kenny Sia whom we will call Chairman Kenny now. There was also the presentation of awards and gifts to TMnet's most loyal corporate clients and customers.
The ongoing programs that night included speeches from Mr. Michael Lai whom we will call THE CEO from now on and Mr. Kenny Sia whom we will call Chairman Kenny now. There was also the presentation of awards and gifts to TMnet's most loyal corporate clients and customers.
It is quite interesting to note that TMnet has taken this approach of going to the ground 'turun padang' with the customers - though I believed it should have been done earlier. As they would be turning four years old this coming July 2006, I have to admit trying to manage the 1.5 million customers under them now is truly a great challenge. I am sure that the Sarawak User Group would be able to give some positive (and constructive) feedbacks to represent the users in Sarawak. It was informed that the various States would have their own User Group Forums as the CEO team's next stop is Sabah.
I hope they really listen to the boss now. But we've been the boss for quite a long time now and I have to admit, we have been unhappy about the service more than once.