Seven Habits

The Chief Minister's Department recently conducted a Management Course for its senior executives. The program was held from 19 - 21 Dec 2005 at Hilton Hotel. The title of the programme was The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. It was conducted by David Kinkel of the Franklin Covey Co. The fee per person is about RM3000. Being a fan of Dr. Stephen Covey who wrote the famous book of the same course title, I manage to get a hand on the course materials. The facilitator, Mr. David Kinkel is a very effective presenter and coach throughout the two and half days. Unlike our local facilitators he is a no nonsense person when it comes to time management - so if you are late in attending his sessions, you will be left behind.

The goodies you will get when you attend the programme includes Dr. Spethen Covey's two books, diary, organizer, Audio CD and a nice paper bag.

The famous books - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and Living the Seven Habits, the Audio CD plus the Planning System Kit.

These are what you will find in the Planning System Kit - Accessories Pack for your Organizer, your yearly, monthly and daily planner with a guide on how to use it.

The materials are pretty extensive and the programme conducted is very packed with solid substance. Dr. Stephen Covey managed to sell a few million copies of his ideas - that itself is an achievement. That's one thing I have to admire about the western management gurus - not only are they good at coming up with new management ideas and concepts - they act on it and follow it through. Its not enough just to sell the book - you have to be a good speaker and also a 'coach' to explain how to implement those ideas in your workplace/organization. The message is definitely clear - if you want to be effective like these successful people, by all means, live these Seven Habits preached by Dr. Stephen Covey.

As for me, I really cannot count many bad habits I have to discard- there is enough to overwhelm all those 7 good habits preached by the good doctor. But change I must...... but I am not willing to let go of my beer drinking sessions if that is what you are asking. The other habits, maybe. I found out that during beer drinking sessions I tend to get good management ideas, I tend to push my ideas through and discover that complex issues can be solved, by drinking beer and singing Frank Sinatra's management concept of doing it 'My Way!'! Sometimes my drinking partners also get to shout thier excellent ideas through. *hic*

Speaking of which, my broadband Internet was acting up today - not up to my expectation. I sent their helpline a message and hope one day I can also persuade them to adopt the Seven Habits to make sure that they will be more effective. The speed test I came back with for my connection was:

:::.. Download Stats

:Connection is:: 27 Kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 579 kB)Download Speed is:: 3 kB/sTested Test Time:: Thu Dec 22 01:09:17 UTC+0800 2005 Bottom Line:: 0X faster than 56K 1MB download in 341.33 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 8.6 % of your hosts average (

:::.. Upload Stats

..:::Connection is:: 23 Kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 579 kB)Upload Speed is:: 3 kB/sTested Test Time:: Thu Dec 22 01:27:19 UTC+0800 2005 Bottom Line:: 0X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 341.33 secDiagnosis: May need help : running at only 15.97 % of your hosts average (


That much huh, to attend that course! I read the book, 7 Habits .. quite some time ago, nyau enda ingat agi apa pasal iya! :-)
Its okay to forget, as long as you internalised it - that's what they would say :) On the other hand beer gets into the system faster :)
GerubiTuai said…
Selamat betemu baru kaban,
Kelalu mayuh neh kaban, tusah deka dikingatka belama. Bisi ampit kelia...quite interesting.