1 Hour To 40

Conversation with my Daugther

Daddy - Baby Talk

One day before I turn 40, my wife was booking a birthday cake, I had this conversation with my Shania inside the car which sounded like above.

Hehehe.....I can wonder what is in her mind and she can wonder what is in mine.


Mizz Coki said…
Happy 40th birthday buddy! Wishin u the best years of the beginning. Ehem ehem.... Good luck ! Shania is cute..

you named her after Shania Twain?

headsteadi said…
Happy birthday my friend! May god bless you.
Lyana said…
Happy Birthday! Welcome to the club. Gayu guru, gerai nyamai......
Elsa Gabriel said…
love the 1st animated pic...life begin at 40s??? emmm...wishing you all the luck ya...
Elsa Gabriel said…
btw shania...did dady ask u to act in the animated pic??? or being spontaneous :)...love it..
Nimi Momo said…
haha.. that's so cute...
happy birthday si daddy!!
Unknown said…
happy birthday!!!
all the best and may god bless you!
will follow suit next year... ha ha ha
GC said…
Happy Birthday my friend, i miss having that kind of talk with my kids, now both of them are in their teens, it's totally different world.
Happy Birthday Dude! My birthday is in Ocotber tooo... Hahaha
Anonymous said…
happy birthdayyyyyyyyyy.. :)
Chris Anakapai said…
Happy Birthday!
Uchu Keling said…
Welcome to the club!

Licia said…
happy belated birthday..God bless you & family! 40 is just a number..
"Age is a matter of feeling, not of years.”