Tidal Bore Watch

Future Sri Aman Landmark

Sri Aman is not to be left behind in its attraction. As of now, people seem to be wondering what else to anticipate in Sri Aman apart from the occassional tidal bore phenomenom. Fort Alice's future is still in a limbo. But there seems to be some encouraging signs as the future development focuses on the tidal bore events that occurr with the different level of tidal levels. For most Sri Amanians they are too used to the tidal or benak scene - I was wondering why they would be calling it a Tidal Bore.

The massive signboard showing the artist's impression of what is to come

The work in progress at the river bank

So far the work progress in on schedule and we in Sri Aman really look forward to this new development. There's the Sri Aman District Council's project next to it which I will blog about later. Things are looking bright :) but its been raining here since this morning.


headsteadi said…
Would like to visit Sri Aman one day. Never been there. Just passed the town once on the way back to Kuching from Miri. That one also 5 in the morning.
Tia said…
i paased by that sign board on my way to my longhouse last friday.. great!!
cyrildason said…
seems like sri aman wont be the same soon..