California Calling

Welcoming California Reps

Rainy Sarawak recieved the honourable guests from State Senate of Sunny California warmly yesterday and gave them a complete tour of the attractions in the State (as reported in Borneopost 15 Nov 2007). It is hoped that thier presence here will result in the promotion of the small State of Sarawak to their fellow Californian be it in the form of tourism or investments. They were given a briefing at the State Dewan Undangan Negeri Complex. The honourable visitors were also impressed by the new building.

One for the album (from left): Vice Chair Senate Committee on Appropriations and Vice Chair Senate Committee on Local Government, Dave Cox, Dewan Undangan Negeri Speaker Dato Sri Mohd Asfia Awang Nassar, Chair of the Senate Committee on Transportation and Housing, Alan Lowenthal, and Deputy Director Senate Office of International Relations and Treasurer California International Relations Foundation, Shannon Shellenberg, State Planning Unit Director, Ismawi Ismuni, State Dewan Undangan Negeri Secretary Abang Othman Abang Fata, and the Senator's spouses.

I was quite fascinated by the model of the new Dewan which was part of the tour for our VIPs. I must say it will be something to look forward to when its completed soon.

Bird's eye view of the Dewan Undangan Negeri from a model in the Dewan

The new Dewan Model from another view

Another view of the new Dewan model

The new Dewan under construction


Anonymous said…
oh wow anthr landmark 4 d Cat City..:)
Uchu Keling said…
Great architecture! Hmm, I thought Arnold is coming too? Errr...

Anyway, the new DUN Building will certainly be a landmark for Kuching. And, let us hope it won't be a breeding ground for the unwanted activities.
cyrildason said…
Don't you think the 'birds eye' view of the DUN is a little exaggerated? I mean, how are they going to make the park in front of the DUN (facing the swk riven). Its already very narrow.. unles they plan to fill up the Sarawak River... which I doubt would happen.
Uchu Keling said…
cdason, no worry, we can roboh Gunung Santubong to fill the waterfront.

Desmond, any insight on the proposal cable car project?
wahh, that DUN SWK !!
i want to see that when i go back to kuching again..
wahh2 !! so BIG !!
It is certainly a landmark which adds colour to the waterfront scenery.

James the proposed cable car awaiting some $$$ input at the moment :)