Wassup Sri Aman

Up,Up and Away Again

It was time for me to take to the air again as I flew over Sri Aman town and headed for the unreachable areas in the interiors. So I know some of you have been asking what is the latest development for Sri Aman Town and I present to you the aerial view of the town area for consumption. Click on the aerial photos to enlarge it.

Flying to the interiors again with the EC Helicopter

From Kuching we passed Lingga Town and this is easily identified by the large Lingga river mouth from the main Batang Lupar river

The Gran Stumbin Area and in the middle of the longhouses (and in the photo) you get to see the new school SK Gran almost completed

Bakong is mainly featured here with the jetty just at the right corner and various longhouses in the surrounding area and the gravel road at the left hand corner which will bring you to Lingga town from Sri Aman

Pilot's view of Sri Aman town as we flew over St. Luke School (blue roof below)

View of part of the Sports Track known as Padang KPSU Lama, the blue roof of SK Abang Aing, and in the middle the new Sri Aman Township

The riverfront: the Batang Lupar Riverine park (below right), the jetty in the middle and the Tua Pek Kong Temple (below left) a mix of the old township and the new at the background

A wider view of Sri Aman river front to include both the riverine waterfront and the Taman Panorama Benak on the left and you can catch a glimpse of Fort Alice on top of the small hill

Sri Aman new township in progress as five blocks are being built (four almost complete)

View from a higher angle with the Masjid Bandar Sri Aman, next to the red roofed Civic Centre in the fore ground

Just an aerial perspective of the town for those who miss Sri Aman. I am sorry for those who have asked me to pick up some of their villages from the air. One gets pretty disoriented when up in the air but maybe in the next upcoming trip. Cheers.


Uchu Keling said…
I missed this kind of blog. More more more more
headsteadi said…
Never been to Sri Aman but this post gives me some idea how the town looks like. Thanks.
Raymond Menjang said…
pulai aku next week enti bakatu..hehe
cyrildason said…
Sri Aman makin maju.. this is something really nice... And the view of the rumah panjang is my fav. Looks very long from above...

Funny how I never appreciated the length when I was in one. Probably its due to the long distance I have to walk before leaving one :-P

Anonymous said…
maybe you could bring us up in the air sometimes. hehehe

Tia said…
that blue rumah panjang in gran stumbin is my longhouse... he he he. i also went to sk abang aing for 1 year last time...

nice photos!!!!

TQ, some more sir!
Unknown said…
Aram kitai sama orang Dayak, Iban nguan menoa Sri-Aman ditu ari ulu ai tauka ari ili ai Batang-Lupar (Bujang-Senang) Ngemasang ka menoa asal kitai Dayak ti bepun ari aki inik kitai kelia menoa Semenggang