SK Klassen Again

Bridge Over Troubled Water

SK Klassen is in the limelight again in the course of carrying out my duty. Its in the limelight because of what I believe is the lack of certain departments' ability to solve the actual problem of a hanging bridge which is about to collapse - risking the users especially the school children, teachers, parents. Just when we think that we have made a breakthrough in getting the bridge ready before year end, the higher ups in the chain of decision making got themselves caught in their confusing procedures and policies. I would say the case of SK Klassen Bridge would make a good case study for those who wish to do a study in government implementation mechanism - reasons for failure to implement. By all means do that.

For it is a case which pits the existing policy, procedures and agencies' circle of jurisdiction and influence and the people who recieves this development. Everyone plays a major role here - to those who put their job on the line by going beyond the system and for those in top level management who knows nothing of what is happening on the ground. The Yang Berhormats have been complaining to them either verbally or via letters but it hits a dead end. I would not go into details of the clot in the implementation procedures that can spoil the "Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan" slogan. The strict financial procedures which are supposed to ensure that projects are implemented with integrity in mind experience many obstacles. Questions asked like "Can the project be completed within the year end?" "Its October now. The account closes soon for the year 2009" "If we do not spend it within this year. Our Department will be surcharged." "Put in the request again for next year and will get a bigger budget to build a better bridge but that again is a big Maybe"."Build another hanging bridge"...."Tell your YB we submit another request next year".... which to me does not solve the problem of SK Nanga Klassen Bridge. What if the bridge collapse suddenly in the month of October? Do we wait till next year to build the replacement bridge?

SK Klassen Bridge Condition worsens as it begins to lean dangerously to one side

Going through the plans again with Mr. William Manggoi @ Irwan the Development Officer for the Sri Aman District Office and Mr. Chong of Jabatan Kerja Raya Bahagian Sri Aman

Mr. Chong explains the technical aspects of the bridge to the Sri Aman District Officer and Mr. William Manggoi (Development Officer at District Office) and Mr. Thimas Kandawang (Development Officer at Resident Office)

Aging SK Klassen Bridge needs urgent replacement as it is beyond repair

SK Klassen Believes in One Malaysia

The school children of SK Klassen, the future of our country knows not that they are in the middle of some bureaucratic whirlwind with regards to their hanging bridge. But its a reality in their daily lives as they risk not seeing tomorrow when they walk along that flimsy bridge.

SK Klassen students getting their daily meals

We believe in One Malaysia

Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan - make it true for them

The mission for me now is to continue to play nice and be diplomatic to the relevant departments. It takes time to call for discussions and hopefully a solution can be realised. Something which is so simple made complicated. The stringent procedures can be a hindrance to development, instead of facilitating it.


Monyet King said…
Desmond, your experience with this bridge and the beauracracy is not unique. I am sure situations like this (the confusion, not the bridge) are common throughout the country.
I guess we just have to wait for you to become the SS and resolve all these things.

you have not responded to the invitaiton to climb Kinabalu next June.
jingpengboy said…
I am glad that you highlight the plights of sk klassen frequently. when one can build a man-made lakes and bridges to cross them, they can't build a simple concrete bridge for a school.

I am hope you have the patience in fighting for help and developments of your areas.

We have to take the matter to a higher level, informing the mass media (apart from your blog) about the current situation of the dilapidated bridge.
John Goh said…
"1 malaysia"????? everyone no matter he is in the ulu or urban should have good or reasonable good infrastructure, regardless of "race"!!!!!!
headsteadi said…
Hope they build a new one ASAP before we see another Kampar bridge tragedy ...
hello mR.Desmond,i'm a teacher at SK Nanga Klassen,firstly thanks for hightlight this issue in your blog..
..i've been highlight our bridge issue in the teachers portal,38072.0.html
and in my blog too..
..of course ,we the teachers and the staff in the school are already waiting for almost 2 years..and until now ,recently there's contractor comes to fix only some parts of the bridge..

we all know the latest news about the collapsed bridge in Perak recently,and people in this area,especially the parents are very2 worried about the condition of the bridge..its become more worst during this few weeks due to the heavy rain and the water level is rising..(we can see the picture in the attachements..)...thanks Gods ,there are no flood boost the bridge just hope the construstion of a new bridge can be done quickly..before something bad happen...

why can just build up the new concrete bridge..?..just keep away the political views and power..besides how many times the JKR comes to the school..comes and go..comes and go..but where is the bulldozer?..we just hope this issue can open the eyes of the higher level and do the proactive action..

Nothing much to say again...once again i want to thank u for highlighting our bridge issue in your blog...very much appreciated..

im not comes from local area here but as a teachers at SK Nanga Klassen and also as a citizen itself..i think its my responsiblity to help and settle down this matter besides fighting for the students lifes..and for the sake of humanities welfare.

Again,thanks you Mr.Desmond..any reply ,please reply at my blog or email

"segulai sejalai"..
Ronnie Klassen said…
Greetings,my name is Ronnie Klassen from Kota Kinabalu Sabah.I'm rather surprise but emotional that there is a school in Seri Aman that bears my surname.Would appreciate assistance if you could forward me more info.My email address is
and my blogsite is

Thank you.
Being the Headmaster of the above school,I would like to convey my gratitude and thanks to Encik Desmond-deputy Residen.YB Datuk Francis Harden and YB Masir Kujat,District Officer,Sri Aman,Mr Chong of JKR Sri Aman,and PPD of Sri Aman for their untiring efforts and commitments in acquiring allocations from our beloved goverment to build the bridge.Thanks also to everyone envolved.
~ Mr Sylvester Embuas~