Sarawak Elephants
Let's Go Holiday!
I read with envy as my other blogging friends go on holiday and return with exciting stories of thier experience. Its the end of the year and I am planning my holiday now. I wish to go to a place where I can enjoy and relax with the family. When I recieved an advert phamplet from my AmBank regarding exciting offers for its credit card members I was overly excited. Which is why I will be staying in Sarawak to see for the first time - elephants! Yes, I wish to extend this portion of the brochure to my blogging buddies who are still in the dark on how to spend their holidays.
I read with envy as my other blogging friends go on holiday and return with exciting stories of thier experience. Its the end of the year and I am planning my holiday now. I wish to go to a place where I can enjoy and relax with the family. When I recieved an advert phamplet from my AmBank regarding exciting offers for its credit card members I was overly excited. Which is why I will be staying in Sarawak to see for the first time - elephants! Yes, I wish to extend this portion of the brochure to my blogging buddies who are still in the dark on how to spend their holidays.
AmBank Phamplet: Bangkok is still too dangerous but Sarawak offers some less risky adventures
Omigosh - Sarawak has elephants! Well, the brochure says so.
Thank you Mayflower Holidays for discovering elephants in Sarawak. Now our Sabahan friends will be able to see our own Sarawakian elephants! "Betul bah...sia enda main-main. Kalo enda pacaya kasi tingok atas tu.....jangan jeles tau...." Since its in Sarawak I don't have to bother about flight tickets - maybe pack my bags and walk all the way to Sandakan if Mayflower Holidays can arrange. Anyone wants to come with me for my Sarawakian Adventure. Who knows we may end up in Shah Alam which is the capital of West Malaysia and we will be able to see the Orang Utans there... cheers!
Desmond, airasia and Mas ada offer bah. Go anywhere u want, Sri Aman wont go anywhere.
Elephant do exist in Borneo in parts of Sabah and East Kalimantan. They are called the Pygmy Elephants. Here's for your ref:
Willie - since its shown in the phamplets :)
Hamidah - yeap, I am still wondering where to go....KL they say taxi there charge a lot. Thinking twice about bringing my daughter on the crowded LRT :)
Shame on them for getting the facts wrong..
No wonder we get bad publicity elsewhere..!
Come over to KL. We can meet up if your timing is right coz I'll be away for X'mas.
How about Bali? I've a promotion package on offer this month
ceeeehhh... samalah baka sida ba KKM Hospital Marudi diengkah hospital marudu...walhal kota Marudu meh ba Sabah...
muntat chapi!! hahahahahaha...
he he he...
boleh juga kami melihat nya nanti...