Dewan Undangan Negeri

Dewan Undangan Negeri (16th DUN Meeting)

The 16th DUN Meeting starts today here are some photos for the first day Dewan Sitting, especially the opening ceremony. The first four photos is in thumbnail size and can be enlarged to get that 'fee' of the actual environment. Some of the visitors to Nadai Nama has requested to see what is inside the Dewan so there are two or three photos here. Proceedings for this Sitting timetable can be viewed at the DUN website.

The opening ceremony with calm view of the water fountains in the background

The opening ceremony from another angle with the Wisma Bapa Malaysia as the background view

Inside the Dewan - The Speaker's Chair. On the two sides of the Dewan will be where the YBs will sit throughout the meeting. The Ministers and Assistant Ministers are usually on the left side (of the photo). The most senior (like the Chief Minister) shall be at that end nearest to the Dewan Speaker. The opposition is on the right side (right hand side of this photo). At the back of the Ministers will be the senior Head of Departments.

If you are a YB you will see from this angle. Your fellow Ministers are across.

From left: The openeing Ceremony -The State Secretary, the Speaker and Sarawak's Police Chief with spouses waiting for the arrival of the Right Honourable Chief Minister

The Right Honourable Chief Minister Pehin Sri (Dr.) Abdul Taib Mahmud arrives

The Yang Berhormats Ministers and Senior dignitaries (those with Tan Sris and other honorary titles) stand to attention

The opening ceremony 'guard of honour' greets the Right Honourable Chief Minister

The Right Honourable Chief Minister waits for the Sarawak Governor arrival

View of the Yang Berhormats Ministers (YB Datuk Awang Tengah, YB Datuk Wong Soon Koh and YB Datuk William Mawan with their spouses)

View of the Yang Berhormats Deputy Chief Ministers - Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr.) Alfred Jabu, with Dato Sri Senator Empiang Jabu and Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Dr. George Chan Hong Nam. Looking at the program is Datuk Seri Dr. James Jemut Masing

Arrival of His Execellency the Sarawak Governor TYT Tun Datuk Patinggi Abang Haji Mohammad Salahuddin

Ceremonial Guard of Honour greets the Governor

The ceremony begins

Inspecting the Ceremonial Guard of Honour

Among the VIP Guests - Datuks, Datins etc

Another view of VIP Guests - Datuks and Datins and some YBs

View of VIP Guests - ermm YB Encik Dominique Ng Kim Ho for N. 9 Padungan in view (I am tempted to ask, where's the songkok YB?)

The Governor and Chief Minister greets the VIPs after the ceremony

The Governor proceeding to the Dewan Hall for refreshments. He walks with the zest of a young man (and that friendly smile) leaving the Chief Minister and Speaker behind

The Chief Minister catches up with the Governor - a short sprint. Who says our Chief Minister is not well would be wrong as he made sure he was by the Governor's side when they entered the VIP Room in the Dewan for refreshments.

The New DAP Team (except for YB Chiew of Kidurong) in the Dewan. I wonder why they were not mixing with the other YBs for the opening ceremony. During the refreshment session, the YBs from DAP immediately went up to the Dewan Chambers. My say is that 'Don't be shy girls and guys'. Do try to mix around. Look at YB Encik Dominique and YB Dr. Johnicol Rayong - they are more friendlier it seems (and both wore the Dewan ceremonial uniform). Hopefully they will become more friendlier at the end of the Session as it is their first meeting anyway :)

YB Datin Fatimah YB for Dalat next to the Consulat from China - always having that sweet smile

YB Encik Naroden (Simunjan), YB Sylvester Entri (Marudi), YB Lee Kim Shim (Senandin) and YB Daud (Tupong)

The meeting of the YBs from opposite sides of the field - YB Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr.) Alfred Jabu (Betong) and Dato Sri Senator Empiang Jabu with YB Dr. Johnicol Rayong (Engkilili) & spouse

YBhg Datuk Temenggong Kenneth Kanyan & Datuk Sharifah Mordiah poses together in the Dewan

YB Snowdon Lawan (Balai Ringin) and missus - the spouses get to see what is inside the Dewan

YB Lihan Jok (Telang Usan) gets down to business on the first day. The microphone is there for those who wish to speak and the light from the lamp is useful as its quite dark in the Dewan

I also got down to business and said 'hi' to the two YBs from (YB Miss Violet Yong Wui Wui) Pending and (YB Miss Ting Zee Hui) Maradong.

That is all for the opening ceremony of the Dewan Undangan Negeri for this July session. If any of you do wish to have a view of the proceedings, do monitor the Dewan website and if you wish to listen to the Dewan debates live, come over to the Dewan and sit at the Public Gallery above the Dewan. To all the Yang Berhormats - may your meetings be fruitful for the glory of the State!


Francis Ho said…
You looked like a YB!

... and dressed like an oppostion YB! ;)
WOW! What a superb priviledged access you have. How did you get in? I hope to get more 'insider's view' from you soon. Anyway, I'm really interested to sit in for a live session. What are the procedures to get in as a visitor like? Dress code? Passport? Cheers!
No pretty babes to see. Sigh! I wished they have more women for eye candy and also representatives of the people. In the near future.

Anyways, you looked like a YB. I think you should ask your boss to groom you to be the future CM. You got the potential!
Uchu Keling said…
Thanks for the insight.. It helps a lot for us who are not in Kuching. That's the way it should be. Did u ask if any of the two DAP lads have a blog. We need to read what is in their mind.
GerubiTuai said…
Haiya...too many old men around. Tak enggai nyadi alai ngijapka mata nya kaban! Uji suruh be-blog bala YBs like JJG have said. Way too formal for some ehhh.
Ahh jamah dia meh.
Apai Salleh said…
Interesting. Are you going to attend the PBB TDC sometime end of this year ???
Uchu Keling said…
Well.. one of the opposition is in full gear :D Good indication that he will jump the wagon to the other side :D :D
Wilson Chin said…
nice to know how is the inside view on the Dawan Negeri, thanks yapgyao for the nice review.
Thanks all for the generous comments.

Francis: One day a Bill will be passed to include compulsary Kayaking for all YBs

Blueheeler: I replied in ur blog on the dress code

DV: Babes? It was still early in the morning so most of the babes r having their beauty nap.. thank you for that recommendation for me to be the CM (Cheers Minister) but I beer toasting days are almost over :)

UK: Yup - those events don't happen often

Guruh: I serve the government of the day. One must serve the hands that feed you. The opposition ladies YB are a bit quiet it seems in the DUN...

Groovy: I doubt they will go blogging. Not advisabe for them as it would open them up. Sun Tzu art of war 'never let the opponet know what your are thinking'

Apai Salleh: As a Gomen Officer I am apolitical :)

Wilson: If u have the time come to the DUN. I know u can take great shots :)
SIB KingFisher said…
great insight... Something we never see in the news. I will link this post on my blog for others to see.

At least we have some Miss in the YB list ;)
Uchu Keling said…
Everyday I come.. but still Day #1!!.. Yo yo!!
gus said…
Very up close and personal shots you have here, Mr. YB.
Fredy - thanks

UK - my blog on the happenings in the Dewan are confined to things I can say and report - i must remind myself that I am a public servant and there are things that can be and cannot be revealed.Which is why I wish the actual professional journalists and reporters can have their own blogs to report :) I have my limits of sharing infos especially those defined in the Official Secrets Act.

Agus - perhaps we can bring the lady YBs kayaking...both ladies from BN and DAP :)
Violet Yong said…

I just happened to come accross your blog and noticed that you captured some pictures with our faces on it. May I request the picture with all DAP ADUNs standing on the staircase and the photo of you with Ms. Ting and I? Thanks!