Ninth Malaysia Plan II

Sarawak's Share

The Right Honourable Prime Minister Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has presented the Ninth Malaysia Plan three days ago. The document is now downloadable at the Economic Planning Unit website.

It also points to a really busy and hectic schedule for my Department and also my Section. Sarawak is announced to be getting RM15.108 billion of the RM220 billion Ninth Malaysia Plan allocation. Of the RM15.108 billion, RM13.437 billion will be for Development allocation and RM1.671 billion will be for Private Finance initiatives. That's almost 7% of the budget for Sarawak. Sabah is getting almost RM17 billion - a billion plus wee bit more than our State...ehem...comparing that our State is a bit bigger ...that's my only comment.

It is important to note that the Ninth Malaysia Plan will be based on the National Mission based on Five Thrusts:
  1. To Move The Economy Up The Value Chain
  2. Achieving First Class Mentality
  3. Addressing persistant socio-economic inequalities
  4. Improve Quality of Life
  5. Strengthen Implementation Capacity

Arriving in Kuala Lumpur I stayed at Cititel Midvalley. I had intended to use the wireless internet to test the capability of my new PC Notebook. Sure enough there was a wireless internet connection available within range but most were encrypted. However the wireless Internet in Cititel (brand name Airzed) carried a heavy price - the price seen above states that it is RM30 for 2 hours, RM50 for 5 Hours and RM80 for 24 hours. *Gasp* No wonder people don't want to switch to broadband as the Hotel is charging so much. I might as well use that extra cash for something else. Instead I opted the normal dial-up account to access the Internet which to my surprise was running quite fast for a 52Kbps speed line.

Family moments in KL - I caught up with my brother and his wife. We went to the famous Nasi Kandar Penang at Petaling Jaya. As I was on strict diet I only took Tom Yam Sea Food and Teh Tarek from the money I would have used to surf the broadband - I also had to ask for a glass of cold water as the Tom Yum was really hot....ouch! I have to admit, my stomach was not ready for the super Tom Yammy taste :) When I got back to the Cititel Hotel to go to and fro to the washroom. When my condition stabilised. I managed to spend time in updating Sarawak's 9 MP documents which would be used for the upcoming meeting.

One for the album after the meeting.

Everyone was smiling because the meeting was a success and it means that the State-Federal 9 MP implementation is set to take off smoothly. However it would mean tremendous work after this....Super Duper Tremendous (as the Plan has to be prepared for the State Cabinet's presentation). This would mean my time for blogging may be affected for the next two months. Anyway its for the good of the State, so I'll say Let's Roll! We can Rock later :)


gus said…
Alamak, if you were in mid valley you could have just dropped by Starbucks, get a cup of coffee and go wireless broadband at no extra charge.
Rentap said…
Bro, ari penemu nuan, nemu kah YB Jabu ngatur pengawa iya enggau mai diri iya enggau orang besai bukai? Aku enda kala betemu enggau iya so, komen mimit. He is not presentable but is he impressive?
Empidan & Rentap: I would give YB Datuk Patinggi a triple A++ in the negotiations. His relationship with Datuk Effendi & the Federal Officers are excellent.

Agus: I reached KL by 11 pm so Starbucks was closed....
You still in KL...?
What a cheap(kedekut!) hotel! No free broadband?!
DV: Back oledi. I was with my boss and my boss's bosses so cannot really stray away.

Puteri: Free broaadband....I wish.

Poison: The Hotel may be reselling it?
Kazookian said…
DJ, wah...came to my post but didn't give me a call eh?

Call lah next time....

At least, it will be good to meet a few guys from sarawak also...
Kazookian said…

post = office
