Pre Nomination Day

The Preparation

The run up to nomination day on 6th April 2011 was quite a tedious one. Day in and day out we receive the necessary materials and information from the Election Commissions Office and headquarters. Phone lines were fixed at our Nomination Centre for N.26 Bukit Begunan constituency which happened to be at the Sri Aman Resident Office Meeting room. Ballot boxes, equipment and materials for the 29 teams were prepared in advance.

Ballot boxes ready for putting in the materials and equipment

A fast friend ~ our team made friends with the speedy courier Poslaju, and this guy named Desmond came to our office almost everyday. Sometimes you wonder which is Desmond in the office

Banners around the nomination centre being put up

To ensure a smooth nomination process during the actual day we requested the potential candidates, especially those who collected the nomination forms at our office to come the day before nomination. During this time we will advice them on how to fill in their forms and also collect the deposit earlier if they wish.

Going through the forms of the incumbent for Barisan Nasional, Encik Mong Dagang. We had the assistance of the Malacca Election Commission Deputy Director Encik Zukhairi Arun who provided advice to the N.26 Bukit Begunan team

The Sarawak National Party (SNAP) candidate Mr. Ivanhoe Anthony Belon checking the particulars in his nomination form with us

Tents and chairs for the party supporters

Outside the Resident Office compound the tents are slowly coming up for the supporters of the contesting parties. It is a guesstimate as we try to prepare one tent for each party contesting based on the numbers of form bought earlier. But one may never know how many will actually submit the forms on nomination day itself. We were adviced to make sure that the supporters to be allowed in the gated compound be limited to a number decided by the Returning Officer with the knowledge that the numbers would not be a security hazard.

In the late evening the nomination centre and the chairs and tables are arranged, also in anticipation of how many candidates will be contesting. We had to make sure there is enough chairs for everyone.

Police Flashing is required as part of the security procedure

By midnight the Police will come in to ensure that the nomination centre is secure. They will bring in their gadgets and personnels to screen everything and I really mean everything. The concealed wire we never knew existed were found and I did have problem identifying what the wires were for. But this is for the good of all and we let the Police do their job and assisted where we should. With that the room was sealed (with a Police seal) and police personnels were stationed around the compound to guard the office, it was the final part of the preparation and we are set for the nomination day.
