Election Waves

Training the N.26 Bukit Begunan Team

With the dissolution of the Dewan Undangan Negeri paving the way for the 10th State Elections, the political environment in the State is set for some exciting moments. I use the word exciting because as a blogger I would have loved to be running around the State capital in Kuching taking pictures of the historical moment when the top leadership announced it including the Dewan's Speaker. I can also be at my longhouse area, be it in Song or Bawang Assan to make sure that they are able to make the best of this election to forward what issues need to be addressed and get the candidate's commitment to solve them. However one can only be at one place at one time and as I have accepted the appointment to be the Returning Officer for N.26 Bukit Begunan, the election process in this constituency will be my focus of attention. My experience during the N.29 Batang Air By-Election will be put to good use to assist the Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) during this State Election. On the date of the Dewan's dissolution our N.26 Bukit Begunan has already started training its election workers facilitated by the SPR Officers from the other States.

Presiding Officer Mr. Michael John and his Team 26 conducts a mock election under the guidance of Encik Che Wan Muhammed Salleh, the Pegawai Pilihan Raya Negeri for Melaka

The Election process being acted out to give the election workers the 'feel' of the process

Various scenarious were acted out, as seen here, what would a Presiding Officer do should when a voter faints and several options were played out 'if he has not mark his ballot paper before he fainted', 'what the election needs to do in times like this' if it really happens

Scenario on how to assist the 'handicapped' during the election process

These training sessions are replicated statewide as the SPR gears up to ensure a smooth election process in the State. As those political war drums beat louder and louder, we in the N.26 Bukit Begunan constituency have pledged our whole hearted commitment to uphold the democratic process in the State. The 'politickings' will be the least of our worries as we strive to make sure that the various polling stations are ready and suitable. Those that are hard to access via road or river transportation will be assigned helicopters. Our training and meetings will be ongoing until the end of the month for the various team members, so lets give it our best N.26 Team!

The SPR Team was invited to witness the ferocity Sri Aman's benak waves at the end of the training session
