Can Idris Deliver?
Government Transformation Programme
The Performance Delivery and Management Unit (PEMANDU) last week had an Open Day in Sarawak on 15 - 16 January 2010 at the Borneo Convention Centre Kuching. I attended the Government Transformation Programme Roadshow - or Open Day thats what they call it for the whole two days together with the other government servants and the public the next day.
Looking forward to YB Dato's Seri Idris's Output soon and certainly eager to see the Outcomes being implemented and shared for all to see
My views about the event? I did not post anything immediately as I was surfing around to find out if the other bloggers and facebookers acquaintance whom I met at the event had anything to say. So far none so now I'll have to give my sugar coated version as the 1Malaysia roadmapping effort at the midst of preparation. Not that I am commenting as one of the officials invited to the function but as a concerned Malaysian who looks forward to the National Key Result Areas (NKRAs) being formulated and also the Key Performance Index (KPIs) that are currently being listed and polished. The opening ceremony officiated by the Right Honourable Chief Minister was well attended and the preview on the National Key Result Areas and the processes PEMANDU had to come up with it was quite impressive. The speeches were superb and YB Senator Dato' Seri Idris Jala managed to motivate Civil Servants by complimenting them on their excellent ideas. I have to thank him for his good words for the Civil Service, people whom he managed to work with for the past months. That coming from a former Corporate leader it is indeed an honour. The contents of the exhibition and the different sessions held were full of valuable information - compact and comprehensive on especially on the various output produced by the Lab Team.
But how was the Kuching crowd the next day. We were informed that there were more 10,000 people attending the programme in Kuala Lumpur. I won't say the figures here for Kuching but what I will share is that it could have been better. So if any PEMANDU people are reading this, I am just being honest. Open up a lab and set a Key Result Area and Key Performance Index for your future Open Day. Probably the one held in Sabah this week was better - I have yet to check with my Sabahan counterparts or see if anyone blogged about it there. I know the Kuching folks would have turned up in droves to feast their curiousity on KRAs and KPIs menu. After all it touched the core concerns of all Malaysians - Integrity, Quality of Life, ecetra ecetra. Only that the audience seemed suited for those in Government circle with the medium only most of us in the government can understand. But that's the good thing as the public will see how we have to operationalize these words and then implement them. I would have loved to see Yang Berhormats from both side of the fence, political party (including youth members) members across the divide, government servants, community leaders, Councillors, students be it from the higher institutions of higher learning both public and private to participate but then I fail to see them- I would urge all to have a feel of the PEMANDU efforts from their website. Maybe the date was not convenient for the majority that time.
I would like to think positively - that we were on a slow start. YB Senator Datuk Seri Idris did mention that the findings and feedback will be ready for publication very soon - by next month, so if there are anything that the NKRAs have missed on your needs - do give them the necessary feedback in their website. On the the Transformation website, the last I visit, it is still very much in need of improvement though and I hope the improving part will be an ongoing effort. It would benefit those online visitors who missed the actual event. I believe they too have a lot in their minds. For the ordinary folks who are in the rural areas who have no access or idea what KRAs are all about though their needs are featured in one of the KRA, hmmmm..... we will have to figure that out.
Looking forward to YB Dato's Seri Idris's Output soon and certainly eager to see the Outcomes being implemented and shared for all to see
It was also homecoming for YB Dato's Sri Senator Idris as many people would have loved to meet him personally, including this blogger of course. So back to the question of this post which keeps popping up in my mind. Can our YB Senator Dato' Sri Idris deliver? In Dato' Peter Minos' Viewpoints (Eastern Times dated 24th January 2010), it was stressed that the implementation of all these 'good' things and 'noble intentions' need everyone's sincerity. The key word here? Effective Implementation and might I add - some genuine teamwork. We still need the public's participation to ensure the KPIs will be met. Where rural infrastructure is concerned - be it in Sri Aman Division rural areas or the other rural areas, how do we cut down the waiting period for simple development requests from the folks on the ground. Rural roads, bridges, jetty - the small projects that matters that will benefit them tremendously (not the mega projects)? The almost collapsed SK Klassen Bridge is a perfect example of an urgent project request that needs almost a year to solve, involving so many agencies' hands. So my guess is YB Dato' Sri Senator has a lot to look into but I believe he can deliver if all of us chip in. So let's get rolling then.