Malay Mail Cyberspot
Thank you Malay Mail
One can imagine recieving an email from a prestigous newspaper in the form of Malay Mail. I was informed by Sheila Rahman informing me of their intention to pick my thoughts for their next publication. That they did and I could not believe I was given full airtime (one full page!). Yikes - I could write ten pages of article to our local newspapers here and they would cut that to half a page and most of the speeches never made it through the local papers. Malay Mail means it when they say it's a paper for 'Your Voice'. As this is also my first encounter with Cyberspot I completed the interview questionnaires without really thinking twice ~ the true Nadai Nama style. I gave them the freedom to edit it and I would have been happy if I was given half the page. But when my brother called the next day to inform me that the article is up featuring my Grandma's Merdeka toast photo - It contained almost all that I had replied. I have to admit these people are fast. Thanks Sheila and thanks Gabey for the soft copy which I have put below.
Click to enlarge the article captioned: Seeing the extra in the ordinary (I like that) only true blooded journalists know how to be creative with the words. Thanks for those messages, emails and smses also people. Thanks Kenny for your kind email :) ~ Those of you asking me to elaborate on that Thoughts on Compatibility - that will be my next blog post :) Cheers! The article is also available at Malay Mail link here.
Congratulations! Teruskan berkarya di alam cyber.. Nothing means nothing.. but Nadai Nama Nama will become anything after u start writing.. proud of u.
Again, congrats for being featured in the oldest newspaper (Malay Mail) in the country. Proud To Be Sarawakian.
Mastercard says... Priceless..
I knew it man, you and kenny. Your blog and kenny too is my everyday stop whenever I am in Cyberworld. Oh ya about HP thingy let me check for you. Kenny own HP Mini, he use it extensively for blogging.
And fujitsu also have their own mini laptop, around RM 35++ , I m not sure about the current price lah. Lifebook U series.
u did it and proud of you!
hidup iban bloggers!!
Proud of you, buddy!!
pssstt.. promote office nampak?
Congratulation again!
very proud of you..
Not easy to be featured in a paper..