Gawai 2007 - Action!
What I did in Gawai
Its always the same every Gawai since I left home (Sibu) to continue my studies in the 90s after my Form Five. Actually I had never thought of it - being the eldest in the family (so everything was first time for me and my sisters and brother learn from the mistakes I make) and having to leave home to pursue higher education (I did not know I would have to leave home actually so I was not mentally ready for it. Now we have UNIMAS, Swinburne University, Curtin University etc - kids nowadays are lucky), so Gawai was the only time everyone in the family come together. Now that I am working in Kuching, being far from home and away from Mum & Dad and family, the Gawai celebration is always something to look forward to. Its the same for all Dayaks worldwide I guess.Its rather hard to describe how this year's Gawai - as events in and out of Sarawak this few weeks added to the excitement and sadness too. News of our Prime Minister's wedding followed by Malaysia's new King birthday celebration during Gawai could have been pleasant headlines to read (His Highness will also be in Kuching Sarawak on 23rd June 2007 for the National Gawai celebrations). However the carnage that involved a gunman who ran amok in Nanga Entabau, Song taking away five lives during a Gawai wedding grabbed the headlines also.
Its always the same every Gawai since I left home (Sibu) to continue my studies in the 90s after my Form Five. Actually I had never thought of it - being the eldest in the family (so everything was first time for me and my sisters and brother learn from the mistakes I make) and having to leave home to pursue higher education (I did not know I would have to leave home actually so I was not mentally ready for it. Now we have UNIMAS, Swinburne University, Curtin University etc - kids nowadays are lucky), so Gawai was the only time everyone in the family come together. Now that I am working in Kuching, being far from home and away from Mum & Dad and family, the Gawai celebration is always something to look forward to. Its the same for all Dayaks worldwide I guess.Its rather hard to describe how this year's Gawai - as events in and out of Sarawak this few weeks added to the excitement and sadness too. News of our Prime Minister's wedding followed by Malaysia's new King birthday celebration during Gawai could have been pleasant headlines to read (His Highness will also be in Kuching Sarawak on 23rd June 2007 for the National Gawai celebrations). However the carnage that involved a gunman who ran amok in Nanga Entabau, Song taking away five lives during a Gawai wedding grabbed the headlines also.
Do you remeber what you did last Gawai?
So I won't be able to sum everything about this year's Gawai in one blog sitting. But I will write about it under a series of blog subjects coming soon - it will still be about the ongoing Gawai. After all the Ngiling Tikai (rolling of the Gawai Mat to signify the end of Gawai ) is not done yet.
I Know What I Did Last Gawai - I am sure of that!
So watch out for the blog about my Gawai time in my Mum's longhouse at Nanga Beguang, Song and Bawang Assan, Sibu. My brother's wedding also added to the Gawai cheer. There will be some writeup about the small town Song which seemed to have grabbed the headlines for the wrong reasons. In addition I had the honour to recieve the Anak Angkat (Adopted Son) of Nanga Beguang, Danny aka Blueheeler, who joined our Gawai celebrations. I believe he has his own account of how Gawai is celebrated in Sarawak.
Joget sampai pagi - Dancing all night long
I wish to thank again for the Gawai greetings I recieved from family members who could not make it back this year, friends, colleagues and my blog readers/visitors. Those who asked about my liver's health - I will go for a medical check up to confirm soon - the drinks are not finished yet .... So watch this space ........ Ooooooohaaaaaaaaaaaa :)
sorry didnt get to meet up while i was in Kuching coz I was only there for 2 nights.
I stayed at BDC area. mayb some other time can meet up if u come down to kl or i take a trip down there