Cause and Effect

The ongoing 'cartoon' uproar seems to be the topic of the day in my office this morning. More still when people were wondering which editor-on-duty was fired. A few well known names were mentioned but that may have to wait for offical confirmation. The New Straits Times of 6th Feb 2006 carried the headline about the Sarawak Tribune editor in question (minus the names).

It seems that the Ministry of Home Affairs wants more explanation from the newspaper as reported by Jeffooi's Screenshots. There Jeff named the people who were 'involved'. How it came to this stage, I do not know and sometimes its better I keep it that way. Sometimes it does not pay to be too proactive (which I believed the editor-on-duty tried to be). One has to be 'aware' of the 'environment' within which one operates and also of the 'sensitivities' linked to religion or race, especially in Malaysia. One would expect the Sarawak Tribune would have been well versed in these matters - and that it has an excellent radar to avoid the dangers by steering carefully around the rocky issues. This time I believe, this Titanic of a newspaper has hit a pretty big iceberg - we shall see if it can still float back safely to the habour.


Miriguy said…
Well, it shouldn't happen, I wonder what on earth he was thinking. Lucky he's not thrown into ISA. Well...
silveraven said…
i thought it was a bit too much. heck, it's shown on tv, why not the newspapers?? why no one sure tv1,tv2,tv3,ntv7?? because the night before the editor got fired, it was on national news!!
silveraven said…
*sue, not sure.

Apai Salleh said…
Derejista, Ngerejista, Akai Wai, Lester Melanyi tuk